Monday 10 September 2012

Sad coinidences

It's really rubbish when you hear bad news.

We've known Rab and John for a long time: Dougal has known them since primary school and I've known them for over thirty years.  We don't see them very often now - because of various work and family reasons - but when we do meet up or speak it's like we'd seen each other yesterday.  There is never any strangeness or any awkwardness between us - we just have a good blether and catch up - and usually a few drinks.

The last time we met up with John was almost a year ago and it's been a lot longer since seeing Rab.  So, how's this for a coincidence?  On Friday night I was told that John's mum had died on Wednesday (5th Sept.) About an hour and a half later Rab phoned to say his mum had died earlier that day (7th Sept.)

So, this week begins and ends in sadness.  John's mum's funeral was this morning and Rab's is on Friday.  The one positive thing is we all met up this morning and despite the sadness we still managed to have a quiet giggle about silly things from the past.  We'll all see each other on Friday again - I just wish it was under happier circumstances.

But, it's given us a timely collective kick up the arse and reminded us we should see each other more often.

It's been a while since my last blog - but I've not just been sitting staring at the wall.  Well, I have at times but I've also been doing other things.  I've written and submitted my article for the Glasgow West End Magazine.  I know it's only September but it was all about panto.  My editor thought it might be good to interview my daughter because she's a theatre and set designer - and she's designing the Cottier Theatre's panto this year.  I also interviewed the guys who are writing, directing and starring in this year's offering 'Weans in the Wood.'  I thought it might be quite strange interviewing Kirsten but it was really nice.  It gave us a chance to think back to when she was three and her first visit to a theatre.  It was also lovely to spend some time chatting to Ian Bustard and Mark Cox about their panto.  It sounds like a cracker (please forgive that terrible pun) so if you're up for cheering the goodies and booing the baddies this year get yourself along to Cottier's Theatre.  Oh - and you can read the full article in the October/November's issue of the fabulous, free magazine Glasgow West End Magazine - available in most pubs, cafe's and coffee shops all over the west end. (Please forgive that terrible plug)

The other piece of writing I've done in the last week is a radio pitch which I emailed to Radio 4 and Radio Scotland producer David Stenhouse.  I won't say what it's about as yet but I will say there's probably very little chance of it being made - I haven't had a reply yet. The fact I haven't heard from Mr Stenhouse doesn't mean he doesn't like my idea.  It's possible he hasn't got it yet.  I'm hoping he's on holiday or off sick.  I don't mean I hope he's sick.  I hope he's very healthy.  Oh shit - I think I'll stop digging now.  

I'll tell all about my idea if I hear from him.

And that's not all I've been writing.  Last week saw the start of a new season of a Play, A Pie and a Pint.  Each week they have a competition where the best review of a play in under 100 words wins a bottle of malt whisky.  I went to see 'Dead Famous' by Keith Temple with Catherine from uni.  I emailed my entry which just appeared on the PPP website today.  I gave it a nice wee review because I liked the play and found it quite funny.  However, there are another couple of reviews completely slating it.  It made me consider my judgement.  I probably won't win the whisky because the PPP team will no doubt think I'm a sycophantic twat.  But, then again - you never know.

A while ago I was told there might be a chance I could get an article printed in The Scotsman about the closure of the Caterpillar factory.  Sam told me at my last tutorial I should follow this up so I'm off to send an email to the man who might be able to make it happen.

I've just remembered I said I was going to keep you up to date on my attempts to lose weight.  Well - I'm saying nothing, except I'm going to start again tomorrow - again.

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Last Friday I attended my last ever tutorial at uni.  It was to discuss my Personal Development Plan - or what I intend to do now.

It's a bit sad to think I'll never need to haul myself out of bed extremely early every Friday morning to drive to Edinburgh and not get home until about half six at night - knackered and starving.

Aye right.  After the exertions of the last couple of months I feel like I've got my life back.  I've got a long list of all the stuff I want to do.  I'm even looking forward to doing some housework - and that's saying something.

It was a nice meeting with Sam and David, although Sam started off by saying she was going to talk at me and not with me.  Fair enough.  So I just sat, for the most part, and listened.  What she said made a lot of sense.  I need to get pro-active and get out there and generate writing work for myself.  No one is going to come to my door begging me to write for them.  Oh - and she said I should stop writing fiction.  Again. fair enough.  In her opinion I should concentrate on non-fiction, historical stuff and journalism.

I can totally live with that but I've still got a great idea rattling around my head for a novel - which won't go away until I have it down on paper.  Well - I think it's a great idea.  One of these days I will write it.

I've been powering down for the last couple of weeks.  The contents of the wine cellar have been guzzled - the hangover's have been endured and it's been boarded back up again.  It's now time to get off my arse and get back to a life which includes writing but isn't dominated by it.

I started off gently by getting the knitting needles out.  Knitting is very relaxing.  I do it when I'm watching the telly at night or if I need to think about something.  Everyone thinks knittings for old people but knitting is the new clubbing.  Well, maybe not.

I'm thinking of starting a scarf knitting business called Scarf Ace (get it?)  I've now knitted another one to add to my collection.  So, if anyone wants a lovely, cosy scarf for the winter just let me know.  I'll also knit for kids if anyone wants me to.  I should really try and get a stall somewhere.

I'm also going to start going back to my art class - and I can't wait.  I've always loved painting but other things always get in the way.  By going to a class I feel I can devote a couple of hours to it - and it's a chance to meet new people.  At the end of the Major Project I was beginning to feel quite isolated.  It's now time out of the house for a while.

But I have a couple of things writerly things I need to do immediately.

One is the article I'm writing for Glasgow West End Magazine.  It's for the October/November issue but my deadline is Friday.  I'm hoping I can squeeze another couple of days form my editor.  This is the issue which looks at the different panto's on in Glasgow (oh yes it is.)  I know - it's panto time again already.

This time I'm doing a quick round up but I'm also looking at putting on a panto from behind the scenes - so I'm going to be interviewing my daughter Kirsten.  She's designing the Cottier's panto set and costumes this year.  This is going to be a very weird experience.  I'm also going to have a word with the writer and director and maybe some of the performers to get a full picture of what it takes to put the finished product on the stage.  I'm really looking forward to it.

The other thing I need to do is email BBC radio producer, David Stenhouse.  He came to speak to us in Napier in January.  He told us how to pitch an idea for a radio programme and gave us a few months to write a pitch for our Major Project.  I was extremely nervous about doing it because I'm not good at speaking in public.  But, I must have done all right because he liked the idea and said he would commission it.  I need to remind him.  I've also got another idea which I think I might share with him.  And like Sam says - he's not going to come to me.

What was that?

Is it someone knocking the door with a fantastic writing opportunity?


No.  it isn't.

Damn it.  I suppose I'd better go and get pro-active.