Monday 1 October 2012

It's been a while.

I knew this would happen.  I start a blog, let it slip and then feel rubbish.  But, I'm determined to keep it going this time.

I suppose the reason I don't want to let it slip is I like writing it.  The problem is - I just don't think my life is interesting enough to sustain a daily post.

Anyway- let me do a quick catch up.

I heard from David Stenhouse, the radio producer.  Alas, he doesn't think there is enough time to make a radio programme about the closure of the Caterpillar before the end of the year.  And The Scotsman are dragging their heels too much, so that's a no as well.  Oh well.  I tried.

I've still been writing.  I've entered a couple of competitions.

Typically. I left them to the last minute and had to write like a demon to make the deadlines.  But I made it.  Proof that I definitely need a deadline to make me get my arse into gear.

Let me say - I don't think I have a hope in hell in getting anywhere with these competitions but I know I definitely won't if I don't enter.  So, I've just gone for it.  You never know.

One of them was a Creative Non-fiction competition.  For my last assessment at uni I had to write a proposal for my Lipton book - so I felt I was almost there.  I just had to refine and polish what I'd already written and fire it in.  But, there was a bit more than that involved.  I hate when I re read something I've done for an assessment.  It always seems total rubbish.  However, I gritted my teeth and made myself read and amend it, but it took ages.

Part of the application form asked for my writing history.  Mmmm!  It's times like this I realise I might have written a lot of stuff - but I've done nothing with it.  Some friends on the MA course have been entering competitions for years and have built up an nice wee list of short listings and published stuff.  But me?  Not very much I'm afraid.  I need to start getting pro-active.

The prize for this competition is being mentored by Hi-Arts and Jenny Brown Associates with a view to having a non-fiction book published.  Sounds great eh?

The other competition is one being run between Oran Mor and Channel 4.  They are looking for a one act comedy play.

Now, this is a prize I would absolutely love to win.  The prize?  £5,000 and a weeks run in A Play, A Pie and a Pint in Oran Mor during the Glasgow International Comedy Festival.  I don't know about you but this impresses me.

I've been going to see plays in Oran Mor at lunchtime for years and feel that someone from either Channel 4 or PPP even reading my work is prize enough.

I decided to enter a play I started in 2008.  The idea was there and a lot of it was written but I didn't know how it should end.  This competition really focussed my mind and I did it - in less than a week.  The deadline is today and I was still writing it last night.

The first version I wrote was only running to over half an hour.  I needed to increase it to nearly 50 minutes.  By ten o'clock last night I was word blind.  I needed to stop.  So I did - with the intention of timing it today and sending it in.

But I woke up at 5am this morning in a bit of a sweat.  I was convinced I was going to miss the deadline.  Once the thought was in my head I wouldn't have been able to go back to sleep so I got up and worked on it.  I finally submitted it at 6.04am.

I don't think I'm going to win by any stretch of the imagination (the competition is open to all playwrights so there will be a huge amount of talent entering) but having done so much work on it I really didn't want to miss the deadline.  I got an email earlier.  It was in on time and has been accepted.  Phew.

I was going to go back to bed after I had submitted it but I felt okay.  So, as a result of getting up early I've done some ironing, hoovered, sorted out all my clothes and I've bagged a lot of stuff I don't wear any more ( for don't wear any more read can't get into any more) and washed the dishes.  Not a bad morning's work.  I really should get up early more often.

And talking about stuff I can't get into any more - we bought a nice, new exercise bike.  And the surprising thing is - we are all using it.  And the even more surprising thing is I'm quite enjoying using it.

Today is the start of a new month and usually, for me, the start of a new healthy eating and exercise regime.  I think I'm going to have to really mean it this time.  I need to lose at least three stones.  (I think I might have said this when I had two stones to lose - and one stone before that)  It's not funny any more.  And it's not a vanity thing - I think it's more a health thing now.

So if any of you see me eating or drinking anything which is not classed as health food you have my permission to nick whatever it is off me.  Don't worry - I won't be able to chase you.

There.  I feel better for having written this post.  Long may it continue.

Monday 10 September 2012

Sad coinidences

It's really rubbish when you hear bad news.

We've known Rab and John for a long time: Dougal has known them since primary school and I've known them for over thirty years.  We don't see them very often now - because of various work and family reasons - but when we do meet up or speak it's like we'd seen each other yesterday.  There is never any strangeness or any awkwardness between us - we just have a good blether and catch up - and usually a few drinks.

The last time we met up with John was almost a year ago and it's been a lot longer since seeing Rab.  So, how's this for a coincidence?  On Friday night I was told that John's mum had died on Wednesday (5th Sept.) About an hour and a half later Rab phoned to say his mum had died earlier that day (7th Sept.)

So, this week begins and ends in sadness.  John's mum's funeral was this morning and Rab's is on Friday.  The one positive thing is we all met up this morning and despite the sadness we still managed to have a quiet giggle about silly things from the past.  We'll all see each other on Friday again - I just wish it was under happier circumstances.

But, it's given us a timely collective kick up the arse and reminded us we should see each other more often.

It's been a while since my last blog - but I've not just been sitting staring at the wall.  Well, I have at times but I've also been doing other things.  I've written and submitted my article for the Glasgow West End Magazine.  I know it's only September but it was all about panto.  My editor thought it might be good to interview my daughter because she's a theatre and set designer - and she's designing the Cottier Theatre's panto this year.  I also interviewed the guys who are writing, directing and starring in this year's offering 'Weans in the Wood.'  I thought it might be quite strange interviewing Kirsten but it was really nice.  It gave us a chance to think back to when she was three and her first visit to a theatre.  It was also lovely to spend some time chatting to Ian Bustard and Mark Cox about their panto.  It sounds like a cracker (please forgive that terrible pun) so if you're up for cheering the goodies and booing the baddies this year get yourself along to Cottier's Theatre.  Oh - and you can read the full article in the October/November's issue of the fabulous, free magazine Glasgow West End Magazine - available in most pubs, cafe's and coffee shops all over the west end. (Please forgive that terrible plug)

The other piece of writing I've done in the last week is a radio pitch which I emailed to Radio 4 and Radio Scotland producer David Stenhouse.  I won't say what it's about as yet but I will say there's probably very little chance of it being made - I haven't had a reply yet. The fact I haven't heard from Mr Stenhouse doesn't mean he doesn't like my idea.  It's possible he hasn't got it yet.  I'm hoping he's on holiday or off sick.  I don't mean I hope he's sick.  I hope he's very healthy.  Oh shit - I think I'll stop digging now.  

I'll tell all about my idea if I hear from him.

And that's not all I've been writing.  Last week saw the start of a new season of a Play, A Pie and a Pint.  Each week they have a competition where the best review of a play in under 100 words wins a bottle of malt whisky.  I went to see 'Dead Famous' by Keith Temple with Catherine from uni.  I emailed my entry which just appeared on the PPP website today.  I gave it a nice wee review because I liked the play and found it quite funny.  However, there are another couple of reviews completely slating it.  It made me consider my judgement.  I probably won't win the whisky because the PPP team will no doubt think I'm a sycophantic twat.  But, then again - you never know.

A while ago I was told there might be a chance I could get an article printed in The Scotsman about the closure of the Caterpillar factory.  Sam told me at my last tutorial I should follow this up so I'm off to send an email to the man who might be able to make it happen.

I've just remembered I said I was going to keep you up to date on my attempts to lose weight.  Well - I'm saying nothing, except I'm going to start again tomorrow - again.

Tuesday 4 September 2012


Last Friday I attended my last ever tutorial at uni.  It was to discuss my Personal Development Plan - or what I intend to do now.

It's a bit sad to think I'll never need to haul myself out of bed extremely early every Friday morning to drive to Edinburgh and not get home until about half six at night - knackered and starving.

Aye right.  After the exertions of the last couple of months I feel like I've got my life back.  I've got a long list of all the stuff I want to do.  I'm even looking forward to doing some housework - and that's saying something.

It was a nice meeting with Sam and David, although Sam started off by saying she was going to talk at me and not with me.  Fair enough.  So I just sat, for the most part, and listened.  What she said made a lot of sense.  I need to get pro-active and get out there and generate writing work for myself.  No one is going to come to my door begging me to write for them.  Oh - and she said I should stop writing fiction.  Again. fair enough.  In her opinion I should concentrate on non-fiction, historical stuff and journalism.

I can totally live with that but I've still got a great idea rattling around my head for a novel - which won't go away until I have it down on paper.  Well - I think it's a great idea.  One of these days I will write it.

I've been powering down for the last couple of weeks.  The contents of the wine cellar have been guzzled - the hangover's have been endured and it's been boarded back up again.  It's now time to get off my arse and get back to a life which includes writing but isn't dominated by it.

I started off gently by getting the knitting needles out.  Knitting is very relaxing.  I do it when I'm watching the telly at night or if I need to think about something.  Everyone thinks knittings for old people but knitting is the new clubbing.  Well, maybe not.

I'm thinking of starting a scarf knitting business called Scarf Ace (get it?)  I've now knitted another one to add to my collection.  So, if anyone wants a lovely, cosy scarf for the winter just let me know.  I'll also knit for kids if anyone wants me to.  I should really try and get a stall somewhere.

I'm also going to start going back to my art class - and I can't wait.  I've always loved painting but other things always get in the way.  By going to a class I feel I can devote a couple of hours to it - and it's a chance to meet new people.  At the end of the Major Project I was beginning to feel quite isolated.  It's now time out of the house for a while.

But I have a couple of things writerly things I need to do immediately.

One is the article I'm writing for Glasgow West End Magazine.  It's for the October/November issue but my deadline is Friday.  I'm hoping I can squeeze another couple of days form my editor.  This is the issue which looks at the different panto's on in Glasgow (oh yes it is.)  I know - it's panto time again already.

This time I'm doing a quick round up but I'm also looking at putting on a panto from behind the scenes - so I'm going to be interviewing my daughter Kirsten.  She's designing the Cottier's panto set and costumes this year.  This is going to be a very weird experience.  I'm also going to have a word with the writer and director and maybe some of the performers to get a full picture of what it takes to put the finished product on the stage.  I'm really looking forward to it.

The other thing I need to do is email BBC radio producer, David Stenhouse.  He came to speak to us in Napier in January.  He told us how to pitch an idea for a radio programme and gave us a few months to write a pitch for our Major Project.  I was extremely nervous about doing it because I'm not good at speaking in public.  But, I must have done all right because he liked the idea and said he would commission it.  I need to remind him.  I've also got another idea which I think I might share with him.  And like Sam says - he's not going to come to me.

What was that?

Is it someone knocking the door with a fantastic writing opportunity?


No.  it isn't.

Damn it.  I suppose I'd better go and get pro-active.

Thursday 23 August 2012


(For some reason this post doesn't appear to have been published.  I wrote it on 23rd August but I don't know what happened so I'm publishing it now.  Sorry if it has been published and you've read it before.  Technology eh?  Or maybe it's just me and technology.)

I dreamed last night I got the result of my Major Project through the post in an envelope which had been ripped open.  The piece of paper inside showed two results; a P2 and a D2.  It was a really weird one because I wasn't expecting the results to be out until next Thursday.

So you can imagine my shock when I saw on Facebook one of the girls on the course saying she'd passed.

It was with a thudding heart and a shaking hand I checked the uni results page.  I got a P4 (69%) and I'm delighted.  I honestly wasn't sure that I'd even passed.  I know people say that kind of thing all the time but I mean it - because I wasn't sure that what I'd written was Creative Non-fiction to an MA standard and not just 19,110 words of facts.

A while ago I said I knew angels existed.  I was going through a particularly tough time trying to get things right so I contacted Christina Stephen who did a CNF MP last year for some advice.  She took time to read what I'd done and gave me some great pointers.  After speaking to her via emails etc. I calmed down a bit and things started to come together.  So, if you're reading this Christina - thanks very much.

Also - thanks to everyone who's had to listen to me moaning for the last few months (especially Dougal, Kirsten and Ross.)

Right - enough of all this soppy stuff.  I can't believe it's quarter past six and I haven't torn the planks across the wine cellar down yet.  Where's the claw hammer?

And the cork screw?

Monday 20 August 2012


It's been a couple of days since I handed in the last elements of my Major Project and I suspect there is a very strong connection between that and the disappearance of a fair amount of wine from Hogg Towers' wine cellar.  But the hangover has cleared and I now feel able to face a keyboard once more.

It was such a relief to drop the finished article into the uni's drop box and to know that I don't need to write another essay ever again.  But, what to do now?

I started this blog to chart my progress through the process of writing the first 20,000 words of a book.  I've done it now so I suppose I can wind it up.

I've always thought a blog without a purpose is just a diary and why anyone would want to read what I get up to I can't imagine.  But I've quite enjoyed writing it - so I think I'll keep it going for a while.  I'll write about what I've done with my project, as far as continuing to write it, and will report on what I've done about trying to get it published.

In my Personal Development Plan I've written that a few of my short term goals are to enter some creative writing competitions and to carry on with the magazine work and theatre reviewing.  That might be interesting to write about - and maybe read.  Oh - and I'm going to keep writing the novel.

In amongst all this writing malarky I might write about what I'm going to do to lose the huge amount weight I've gained while putting down roots at my desk.  The most energetic thing I've done in the last three months is to struggle to the kitchen to make endless cups of coffee and devour anything which might be lying around - and let me tell you - it hasn't been fruit.

If I know some people are reading about it I might actually stick to a healthy eating plan and start exercising. I mean, I can lie to myself but I wouldn't dream of lying to anyone taking time out of their day to read my drivel.  So the more you read the more weight I'll lose.  My weight is in your hands.  Oh God - what a thought.

But first - I'm off to buy a few planks of wood, a sturdy hammer and a bucket of nails.

The Hogg Towers' wine cellar is getting boarded up.

Tuesday 14 August 2012


It's a hard slog.

This essay is giving me grief.  Next to the Major Project a 3,000 word reflective essay should be a doddle.  I mean, I've already written the project so surely all I need to do is say what I did first and then say what I did to make it better.  Sounds easy but my head is all over the place.  The problem is I'm rapidly losing enthusiasm and concentration.  I just want it done so every word is becoming a struggle.

Also, it's forcing me to re-read what I've submitted and every time I read it I get more and more convinced I've failed.  With my confidence already being on the low side I don't need this to make me feel worse.  This is not good.

I can get away with writing 10% less than the 3,000 word requirement so I think I'll take up the option. I'm sitting around 2,000 words at the moment so I really don't have much to do.

I'm determined to get it done tonight.  Then I can edit it tomorrow, write my Personal Development Plan and submit it electronically on Thursday before handing it in on Friday.  In my mind's eye I can see a lovely, big, chilled glass of Pinot just waiting to be downed.  This will be followed by another and another etc - and life will be great.

In reality I'll probably have a sip or two and fall asleep.  That is exactly what happened after I sat my final uni exam

Right.  Enough of this faffing around.

I'll need to be getting on with it if I want to finished tonight.

Monday 13 August 2012

The Start of the End.

The final push has started.

I've read, taken notes and have probably thought far too much about the Critical Self Reflective essay over the last couple of days.  Now, it's time to start writing it.  I need to exorcise the demon and get it onto paper - but I always find the first sentence is always the hardest.

It shouldn't be too difficult - all I have to do is write 3,000 words about what I did wrong and what I did to put it right.  I've made enough mistakes over the last couple of months I can probably fill a book, and I could sit for hours talking about it.  But it's the old problem.  As soon as I need to write an essay I clam up.  I go into Glasgow Uni essay writing default mode and end up sounding like some half arsed, pseudo academic knob.  I need to relax and write it as me - just a knob.

Okay.  Here goes.  See you on the other side.

Friday 10 August 2012

1st Hurdle

It's done.

And handed in at eleven o'clock this morning; 19,110 words, twelve versions and three months of my life. Sorted.

I still have to write my Critical Self Reflection essay and sort out my Personal Development Plan.  But that's not due to be handed in until next Friday - which is why I'm currently sitting in the back garden, in the sun sipping an ice cold glass of Pinot.  The madness will reconvene in the morning.
Here's an indication of how far I've come.  At the start of the course, if I had a three and a half thousand essay to do I would have started it about five weeks ago and would probably have done three re-writes by now.  Now, after the Major Project, three and a half thousand words is nothing.

It shouldn't be too difficult.  After twelve versions I've made enough mistakes and changes to write about.  As for the Personal Development Plan?  I suppose I should write about how I want to be a fantastic writer (I'd settle for just being a writer though.)  After slogging over the first nineteen thousand words of my Lipton story I really should carry on with the next fifty thousand.  I might start sending it to publishers and agents - all depending on my grade - if I fail it's getting binned.

Again, depending on my grade, I'll contact David Stenhouse, a BBC radio producer.  He came into the uni to talk to us about doing a radio pitch at the beginning of the year.  After the assessments all the class had to pitch our ideas for a radio programme to him.  My idea won - and he said we should keep in touch.  So, you never know what might happen.

I've had a quick glance over my first version of the MP - and it's shit.  Hopefully version twelve is a bit better.

Wednesday 8 August 2012


The end is so close I think I might be sick.  There is only one day to go.

But I still haven't finished.

I have never been so late with an assessment in my life.  All through Glasgow Uni I used to think that the people who had to pull an all nighter to get an essay finished should have just bloody well started earlier.

I would like to apologise to every single person who might come into that category.

I started this thing months ago and I've been working flat out.  Even on holiday I didn't have a long lie - ever.  I took a ton of books with me and I spent every morning from about half seven until everyone else got up reading and taking notes - and I still haven't finished.

Tomorrow I need to write my forward chapter breakdown and tie up loose ends - easy!  Em - I really don't think so.

The boys (Dougal and Ross) have been in Athens for the last couple of days.  For supporting Motherwell read having a fucking brilliant time in 35 degrees heat and drinking beer.  But, it's just as well I've had the house to myself - I think I might have committed  murder otherwise.

Last night Ross's girlfriend Megan and I read what I'd written and highlighted the corrections I needed to make.  I drove her home at quarter to one - came home and worked on it till twenty past two and woke up at half past six.  Got up, started working at quarter to seven and was still at it until eight o'clock.  And that was just the corrections. What am I doing wrong?  Is anyone else going through this torture.

And guess what?  I think I might fail. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (maniacal laugh)


Friday 3 August 2012

positive (in very small letters)

Today I had my very last supervision session.  No one has any idea how much I was dreading it - even those I had told over and over again.  But, it wasn't too bad.  In fact, I'd go as far as to say it was good - eventually.

I'd taken plenty of hankies with me because I feared the worst.  I knew that if I started I wouldn't be able to stop.  I was close at one point - my wee lip was beginning to quiver.  It was when Sam asked me how I felt about how I was doing I knew she had an agenda.  I was honest.  I told her I felt sick and was so worried it was making me ill.  She didn't say there, there now, you'll be fine.  She said she felt I'd slipped back from the D1 I'd got for my last assessment and she wasn't sure I fully understood what CNF was.  I totally agreed with her.

But, when we started talking about what she felt was going wrong and how I could put it right the meeting became quite positive.  She helped me to get back to my purpose for writing it, helped sort out the structure and said what I'd written for her was good.  Once I knew she liked what I'd done I began to think I could do this.  I've lost so much confidence in myself over the last couple of months.

She told me I should take a couple of days off and start again on Sunday, even Monday.

WHAT?  Is she mad?  I did relax a bit today because I felt I covered a lot of ground at the session but I need to get straight back onto it tomorrow morning.

I've bought an old, odd roll of wallpaper and glue.  There's not going to be any screen cutting and pasting for me.  I'm doing it for real. With scissors and everything.  The walls are going to be plastered and once I feel I've got the order correct I'll start typing it up.  It might even be good fun - something I've not had for a while.  No doubt photos will be taken.

I still feel I have a couple of things to add but I'm probably over my word limit now so they'll just need to come later on in the book.  Once I'm happy with it I need to re-write and edit it.  It'll take ages.  I reckon I'm going to be still doing it on Thursday.

But if that's what it takes - that's what it takes.

Just six more days - and that's it.  This time next Friday I might not be conscious.  Just saying.

Wednesday 1 August 2012


It had to happen.  There was no way I was going to get through this experience without blubbing like a baby at least a couple of times.  It started the other day and there will be more.

It's all going a bit wrong and I only have about a week to fix it.  I think the major problem is it looks like I don't really know what Creative Non-fiction actually is.  And when you're writing a Creative Non-fiction project that's a bit of a biggie.  I need to be realistic here and prepare myself for the fact that failure is a distinct possibility.  And before anyone reminds me I have to think positively, I'm trying but I'm also being realistic.

I will try my hardest not to fail - I can't think of anything worse.  I got through four years at Glasgow Uni and came out with a 2:1 ( I keep reminding myself of this) but this, for me, has been a lot tougher.

I think my plan has to be,

1. Sort out the structure.
2. Re-write it;- I need to cut a lot out and replace it with a lot more description.  I need to take the reader on a journey, and I need to lose a lot of the 'I'.  While all the time watching out for bad punctuation and repetition.


Hello August - something tells me you're going to be a total bitch.

I think I'd better go and get on with it now - before I start blubbing again..

Sunday 29 July 2012

The Big Countdown

Ten days to go.  Well, there's a wee bit longer but I'm giving myself ten days to get everything down on paper, put into some sort of order, re-written and printed out.  It's not long.  For the first time in my life I might find myself pulling a couple of all nighters.  And if that happens, God help anyone who crosses me.  I need my sleep - without it I'm not responsible for my actions.

This makes me sound like big, bad Anne.  In reality if anyone crosses me I'm more likely to just start crying uncontrollably.  I think the crying might be harder to deal with.

I had a serious wobble the other day.  I started writing about Lipton as if he was a character I could speak to and he replied.  It's quite a nice literary device for a short story but I began to think he sounded like a ghost.  I couldn't imagine writing 20,000 let alone a book like this so I stopped.  Okay - I had a mad panic about it before I stopped, calling people and almost crying but it's sorted now - with some good advice and a lot of wine.

The good thing which came out of it was I think it the prose is a bit lighter and less informationy and it freed my style up a bit.  It now seems a wee bit more interesting - hopefully.

My big problem is still the structure - how I'm going to link it all together into one cohesive whole.  I think it's time to do one of my narrative mapping things to see how it's panning out.  By doing this I can see where the first and third person narration is coming.  It's quite useful. And if that doesn't help I might need to just print it all out and stick it on the walls.  That'll be fun.

I've noticed I haven't give you a Lipton fact recently.  Well did you know the confirmed bachelor was actually married and had a couple of kids?  He kept them quiet.  Oh, and he was meant to be gay.  The marriage and kids can be verified but the gay part can't

Oh God - look at the time.

I'd better get on with it.  Only nine and a half days to go.

Friday 27 July 2012

Two weeks to go.

I am so confused about this Major project.  My feelings and emotions are all over the place.

I know that sounds a bit dramatic but it's true.  One minute I feel that I can't carry on - that it's all absolute shit and the next I get an idea and things are looking up  Then I try the idea and it's all shit again.

At the moment things are looking up - a bit.  I've been struggling about how to write something historical without making it too dry but I don't know if I have the confidence to do it.  What I do know is that if I write it the way I have been doing Sam and David will probably rip it to shreds.  So, I probably should take the chance and go for it.

I just wish I could get something either Sam or David said out of my head when classes finished.  They were giving us a pep talk to get us in the mood for starting.  There was 77 days to go.  I remember that because it was written in big letters on the board.  77 days.  No problem - that was plenty of time, wasn't it? NO is the answer to that one.  No is is not.

Anyway, what one of them said was just because we had paid a lot of money to be on the course didn't mean we automatically got an MA.  If the work isn't good enough we will fail.

I never thought for a moment I was buying an MA.  I have worked so hard for this.  I don't think I've ever tackled anything so difficult - even my first degree.  But to hear someone say that?  It was  a huge slap around the head which still stings.

There's only 2 weeks to go to hand in day.  I've now written about 19,555 words but I still need to inject some style into it - something to make it bounce and not lie on the floor like a burst balloon.  And that's the hard part.

Ok - I've had my moan for the day.  Well, for the hour at least.

Wednesday 25 July 2012


Angels do exist.  I have proof.

I'm going to hold their identity back for the moment but I will say I have been helped enormously by someone.    

They really have helped me sort out how I should approach my Major Project, made me think a bit clearer and have pointed out a lot which is wrong with it.  And I have to say it's a lot.

My initial reaction was AAAGGGHHH and I went into a bit of a blind panic.  But when I calmed down I could see that what I'd written was lifeless and boring.  There was too much information and not enough creativity.

Because of their advice I'm now dramatising a lot more and actually creating a bit of a story as well as getting in the historical stuff.  Oh God I hope I'm doing the right thing.

One problem is that because I'm writing more dialogue my word count is beginning to creep up.  This means a lot of other stuff needs to left behind for the purposes of MP.  But, what I'm suppose to be doing is writing the first 20,000 words of a book.  So, that's ok, isn't it?  It just means I need to be selective and get the structure right.  The other stuff won't be marked, but it's not lost.

I'm now around 18,300 words and still have some major stuff to write about.  I know I can go 10 percent over and 1,000 words needs to be kept aside for a continuing chapter breakdown so I reckon I still have about 2,700 words to play with.

It should be okay but I better be careful.  I suppose it's better to have too many than too few.

Monday 23 July 2012


What am I doing?  How have I got myself into this position?  I can't believe I've reached this point and have still got so much to do.

I woke up in a sweat this morning because my dream was horrendous.

I was walking towards the boxes where we put our assessments.  I had my major project all sorted and it was looking good - I was even happy with what I'd written.  Loads of people were hanging around, putting their assessments into the boxes and cheering and hugging as they did.  When it came to my turn, just as I was posting it into the box, it started to fade.  After a couple of seconds it was gone.  No one else noticed - only me.  I was panicking and crying and running around asking everyone if they knew where my assessment had gone.  They were all just looking at me and walking away.

It was absolutely horrible.  When I woke up I was exhausted.

This is what Major Project is doing to me.

Part of the problem is that I've ground to a halt.  I'm stuck in a rut and as a result I'm panicking myself into total inactivity.

Hopefully by my next blog I'll have got over whatever it is which is holding me back.  The last thing I want is to have another dream like last nights'.

On a lighter note here is the Lipton fact of the day.

Did you know that Lipton was the first businessman to use a sporting event to advertise a product?

Friday 20 July 2012


In amongst all my moaning I forgot to give you a Lipton fact.

Did you know he challenged for the America's Cup five times.  In fact he is probably remembered more for his sailing challenges than anything else he did - apart from his domination of the tea industry obviously.  He may have lost five times but it didn't make him a loser.  The American's loved his tenacity.  They also loved him and literally clubbed together (those who wanted to donate gave no more than a dollar) and presented him with a Loving Cup to show their appreciation of his attempts.  It was engraved "To possibly the world's worst yacht builder, but absolutely the world's most cheerful loser."

Some people might have been a wee bit miffed at having their yacht building skills rubbished at the same time as being called a loser but he was delighted at being honoured.  When he died the cup was returned to the New York Yacht Club.

Sorry about that.


Yesterday I came home slightly deflated from my Supervision session with David.  It wasn't anything he said or did, the meeting was very constructive.  It's me.  I just always feel down after talking for an hour about my Major Project.  This particular meeting has made me realise just how much I still need to do and how little time I have.  There is now just 21 days to get the Project and my Critical Self Reflective essay written and polished to MA standard.  I can hear the big clock ticking.

My problem is I feel as if I've been working on it for months but it's not doing what I want it to do.  I was hoping to have the structure completely sorted by now but after yesterday it's all up in the air again.  So today I'm panicking.  So much so I can't get started.  I know panicking is pointless but I can't help it.

Time for a talk to myself.

Ok here goes.

Come on Anne - You know you'll feel better once you get going.  

Write a list.  You know how much you like a list. 

Work through it and tick stuff off as you go.  

Decide what bit you want to focus on.

Get words onto the page and edit it when you're finished.  

Calm down.  

Take deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. 

And breathe in.

I said breathe in.


Wednesday 18 July 2012


Someone has suggested I should include information on Sir Thomas Lipton in the blog.  Thanks Jeff - it's a great idea - I don't know why I hadn't thought of doing it before.  After all, it is all about him.  So from now on I'll try to astonish you with some of the quirky and interesting stuff Lipton got up to.  He was actually quite a guy.

Yesterday I wrote quite a bit - I'm now up to almost 16,000 words.  I'm not sure about the quality of them but it all adds to the word count at the moment.  There are a few holes to fill in what I've already written so far so I'll try and get some of them plugged today.  

I'm going for my 3rd Supervision session tomorrow - only one more to go.  This time my meeting's with David (not Sam) - to get another perspective on it.  I'll need to sort out what I want to talk to him about.  At my last session Sam said the writing was ok (I'd much rather she'd said it was brilliant I'll take ok) but I needed to work on the structure.  So that's what I'm doing.  Maybe I'll do one of my wee narrative mappy things.  

I've already sent him a chapter breakdown - which, of course, I've since worked on and changed a bit.  Oh - I get so confused sometimes.

Right.  I'm going to get on with it but before I go did you know  - Lipton was one of the first businessman to provide his office workers with a typewriters? It was such an unusual looking thing a visitor to his office actually thought his workers were operating sewing machines.

There.  I hope you're impressed.

Monday 16 July 2012


I can't get going today.

I didn't sleep well and my arm hurts.  I don't know what I've done to it - it just aches.

I should clarify.  I broke my arm on 1st of January.  (Pause for sniggers)  Yes.  I was a New Year alcohol related statistic.  It took me months to get back to some sort of normality and I have to say it's been brilliant lately.  But it's sore today.  Maybe I should take a couple of those lovely hard hitting painkillers and several cups of coffee.

So the scene is set.  I'm tired and not at my best.  

The last thing I needed this morning was to take time out to go into Glasgow Uni library to collect a book I ordered and for no one to be there to hand it over to me.  I know it's Fair Monday but surely some people still go to work?  And before you all say a collective "Well, you should've phoned them."  I did.  And the recorded message said they were open.  I suppose I should've realised no one was there when I heard the damn recorded message - but like I said - I'm not at my best.

But I'm ready to start now.  Well, I was.  I've just had an email from a copy editing guy who said he could copy edit my stuff for about £250.  Not having employed a copy editor before I have no idea if this is good or bad.  Any advice would be welcomed.  But the thing that made me smile, or should I say produce a maniacal laugh, was the fact he said he could do it if he had my 20,000 by the end of the week.  So whether £250 is good or bad is indifferent because 20,000 words by Friday is not going to happen.

Ok - enough of this negativity.  I've got my list of tasks for the day and I'm going to go for it.

Oohh - I think the painkillers and coffee have kicked in.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

P.S. Gold star to anyone who has spotted the Muppet reference.

Sunday 15 July 2012


Where do I start?

I've been away from the actual writing of the project for so long I don't know where to pick it up again.  I'm the eternal re-drafter so I feel all I do is go over the same ground - which is getting me nowhere.

Yesterday all I did was try and get back on an even keel after the holidays.  Today I got up early, well quite early, and all I've done so far is boil a kettle and hang a massive washing out.

I meant to say in my last post - I was listening to the Janice Forsyth Show on Radio Scotland yesterday.   I hadn't heard the show for a couple of weeks and was wallowing in her familiarity when something struck me, she was being very reminiscent.  Then I realised.  It was her last show - EVER!  I knew it was coming but for some reason I thought it was in August.  It actually threw me off balance a bit.  

I've been listening since the show started and I have a lot of affection for it.  I used to love the Connections Quiz and I'm the proud owner of a wind-up radio.  I even won a wooden pen - which I still use - for doing a live review of the Frankie Miller Tribute gig at the Barrowlands. Imagine my delight when a couple of weeks later I received a package in the post.  It was a limited edition poster for the event from the producer, Nick, along with a note saying it was lying about the office and he thought I'd like it.  It's still on my wall today.  A few years later I was able to thank Nick in person when I did some work experience in the office. I was so chuffed when the Connections Quiz I put together appeared on the show.  Everyone who worked on the show were extremely nice to me and they worked so hard to maintain its high standard.  Saturday mornings will definitely have something lacking from now on.  I've always listened to Radio Scotland but next Saturday I think Radio 2 or Radio 4 will get my company.

Of course it will be on quietly in the background as smoke bellows from my keyboard.

Ok - I'm getting on with it now.

Where was I again?

Saturday 14 July 2012


My two week mental regeneration stint in my favourite holiday destination is over - and I had a brilliant time.  We all had a brilliant time - all 7 of us.  A great big thank you to everyone for making St Ives 2012 as great as all the other times.

The weather was decidedly dodgy but, like I think I've already said, I would forgive St Ives anything.  Somehow the place seems to have its own wee micro climate and even in the drizzliest of days the sun manages to struggle through for a couple of hours.  I'm not really that bothered about the weather though - my skin doesn't like the sun so the fact that it went into hiding means it  actually saved me a small fortune on Factor 50+.  As long as I can gaze out to sea for hours and watch the waves I'm happy.

On our first day I spotted Neil Oliver - which was quite nice.

Then we would see him everywhere - on a bus with the wife and weans, passing our window (several times).  "Neil" watching became an amusing past time.  I even spotted him coming out of the gents on the way to Porthminster.  And the last time I saw him he was striding across Porthgwidden beach.  I swear it was just like watching an episode of Coast - except he didn't have a camera crew behind him to speak into.  I must say - he's quite a striking figure but the telly doesn't do his hair justice.  It's just lovely. 

Despite being on holiday I still worked.  I had to.  I was up every morning about 7.30am to try and get a few hours done before the house came to life.  I was limited in what I could do because there was no internet access.  To get on-line I had to go to the library or drag myself to a beautiful wee teashop which served deliciously relaxing exotic teas (and I mean teas which opened up into a flower) to connect with the world.  Sometimes I had to drink two pots.  It was hell.

But I feel I didn't get done what I wanted to - so I'm feeling a bit AAAGGGHHHH - how the hell am I going to get this done? - this morning.  I'm sure I'm not alone.  Everyone on the course has probably felt like that at some point.

What I did get done was a lot of reading and note taking.  I also had my Skype meeting with Sam and managed to cobble together something for my next meeting with David which is on Thursday.

I've also worked a lot on the chapter breakdown.  At the moment I feel like I'm wandering around without a map - and I have the worst sense of direction - so I if I get that right I think I'll feel a lot better.

Needless to say I didn't get anything written yesterday because we were driving home.  The journey took eleven hours - thanks to some well meaning, motorway watching, keyboard happy, namby pamby official who kept flashing up on the gantry " Queues Ahead - 40MPH".

I know there is a great need to be careful etc etc but this started before we reached Birmingham and lasted until well after Liverpool - we were stopping and starting for about three and a half hours and when we got through each queue - there was absolutely no obvious reason for it.  When the same official flashed up "End" the cars flowed along beautifully.

I think the road would have been fine if they had just let the drivers drive instead of warning them every five minutes there might be queues.  I'm convinced it was actually the motorway watchers who were actually causing the damn queues. 

Rant over - anybody got a deliciously relaxing exotic tea handy?

Ok - now it's back to work time.  I have no excuse.  It's only 2 weeks and 6 days and about 6,500 words until I hand my incredibly polished and perfectly formed work of creative non-fiction.

Oh, oh!  I can feel it.  Here it comes.


Friday 6 July 2012


I realise I haven't been keeping up with the blog.  Sorry!

I really didn't mean to slip so far behind but I don't have internet access where I am.  It's actually been quite good but I had to find somewhere to log on because I had a Skype meeting with Sam this morning.  It was my second Supervision session and I couldn't miss it.  It went quite well but I've obviously got a long way to go and a short time to do it.

In the absence of Google I've been doing a lot of reading and taking notes - and getting up at the crack of jack to do it.  I'm not joking - I'm up before the seagulls.  Did someone mention holiday?  I'm still getting the odd bit of writing done - I'm up to about 14,000 words - but after this mornings meeting that migh go down a bit.  Well, it might go down a lot.

I'll update when I get home and fully back into writing mode.

For now - it's back to St Ives, rain, sun, a bit of drizzle and cloud.

But, hey - it's St Ives.  The place can do no wrong in my eyes.

Tuesday 26 June 2012


I've reached twelve and a half thousand words approximately. 

It's not quite the twenty thousand I wanted to have written at this point but it's not too bad.  Oh there I go with the positve thinking.

I've been working all day on stuff for my next supervision session.  I've re-jigged the text so much it's completely different from the stuff I handed in for my last session.  The chapter on what I'm intending to do to get recognition for Lipton has now been split into about five smaller chapters.  Instead of it being in one clump it's now being spread about.

What I really need advice on is the chapters.  So I'm sending Sam my new beginning plus a possible chapter breakdown and one of my wee narrative position mappy things.  I've found this is a good way to find out what goes where - and it's a great excuse to play with felt tip pens. 

There are a lot of wee gaps I still need to fill in so you never know.  Maybe I will hit that twenty thousand mark after all.

Maybe not.

Positive thinking - I will, I will, I will, I will.

(shhhh, keep this to yourself - i won't)

Saturday 23 June 2012


I'm just listening to Radio 4's Saturday Live Show.  Uri Geller's just been on banging on about the power of positive thinking.  I'm very aware the tone of the blog is becoming quite negative so I've decided to take Uri's advice.  I can do this. I can do this.  I can do this etc. etc. etc.

So, if it all goes tits up it'll be his fault.

Friday 22 June 2012


One word at a time and I'll get there.  I keep telling myself that.  I just hope it's before 10th August.  But right now it doesn't feel like I will.  One day I feel like I'm getting there and the next I feel like I've written a pile of shit.

Yesterday I read what I'd written and decided I needed to shift the chapters around.  Now it looks unrecognisable.  And I don't know if I've done the right thing.  In the first version I didn't feel I was getting to the reason for writing the book quickly enough.  Now I'm getting there in the first chapter.  Is that what I want?  Who knows? 

I interviewed someone for the Glasgow West End Magazine today.  I didn't write an article for the June/July issue because of the last assessments.  I felt writing two assassements to be handed in on the same date was pressure enough without adding an interview/research and 500-1,000 words to it but I didn't want to miss another edition,  So I interviewed Paul Corrigan.  He's a fantastic young Scottish actor who plays a character called Stevie Burns in River City.  And what a lovely guy he is.  He gave me a great interview.  I'm looking forward to writing it up.  It'll be so refreshing not to be typing the words Sir and Thomas and Lipton.

I've now reached almost 11,000 words in the STL project but I've had enough for tonight.  I'll start ploughing on again tomorrow. 

One word at a time and I will get there.

Tuesday 19 June 2012


I'm feeling a wee bit better about things.  I mean, I'm still confused but not quite so much. 

The order of the chapters are still giving cause for concern.  My problem is I don't want to explain too much too soon but the way things are at the moment my reason for writing the book is coming too late - I think.

I need to find a way of moving from one to the other without being too obvious or too random.  Am I talking any sense what so ever? 

I'm now at around 9,100 words - about half way.  Not bad at all but with only a matter of days before I go on holiday I can say with certainty the first draft won't be done by then.  This is disappointing.  But, I didn't realise there was about 3 weeks to get it finished when I get back - and I suppose there's always the holiday time itself.  I'll be taking all my books etc with me so I don't suppose it'll be too bad sitting in a beach cafe with my laptop.  If Dahne Du Maurier can do it then so can I.  I don't mean Du Maurier sat in a cafe with a laptop.  No.  She wrote her best work in Cornwall and lived in St Ives for a while after the 2nd World War.  I've heard it say that the seagulls in St Ives were the inspiration for her novella The Birds.  That doesn't surprise me at all - the seagulls are crazy down there.  They are definitely the neds of the bird world.

I've been working on the book all day.  It's now time to take a break. 

Did I say break?  I'm going to have a glass of wine while I do an ironing and watch England play Ukraine, but I just know Mr. Lipton won't be far from my thoughts. 

He never is.

Sunday 17 June 2012


Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused. 
          Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused. 
                    Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused. 
                              Confused.  Confused.  Confused.Confused.  Confused. 
                                       Confused.  Confused.  Confused.  Confused.
                                                Confused.  Confused.  Confused. 
                                                     Confused.  Confused.

Nice Pattern.

Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

Friday 15 June 2012


I had my first supervision session yesterday - after a shaky start. 

I was already feeling rubbish with this cold I've got and getting up at half six really didn't help.  I felt a bit better once I'd set out only to run into a traffic jam on the M8.  There had been an accident and it took me 45 minutes to get to Harthill - normally it takes about 15.  I called Sam to let her know and she suggested we could re-schedule out meeting.  NO!!!  After the effort it had taken I was going to get there if it killed me.  I got there about ten past nine - not too bad.

I've already said I wasn't looking forward to the meeting but it was ok.  In fact I actually quite enjoyed it - until I came home, read my notes and scrutinised what Sam had written on my script.  It wasn't bad - it was constructive.  But the idea of completely rethinking my approach and discarding a good chunk of content is now firmly lodged in my head. 

The first thing I really need to do is sort out the chapters and think of the book as a three act structure.  This should help put all the information I've gathered into clear categories and let it find its natural place in the overall piece.

So once again I find myself staring at a blank computer screen.  I alway find one of the hardest part about writing is getting the first line.  David Bishop once told me if I was having difficulty starting I should consider start in the middle or at the end.  It's good advice but it's fair to say I'm a bit concerned.

Here goes.

Wednesday 13 June 2012


My cold has cranked up a notch.  It's now at the uncontrolable dripping stage. 

Too much information?

I'm quite glad I've got it now though, rather than in  few weeks when I'm on holiday - that would just be rubbish.  But the down side of having it now is I need to drive through to Edinburgh tomorrow for my first supervision session - and it's a 9am.  God - I hope I feel better by then.  I'm worried enough about this meeting without having to stop every two minutes to sneeze and mop up.

I spent yesterday trying to work out my chapter breakdown.  I thought it would help but I'm confused.  It was good to do though.  It's better to get these things worked out.  On reflection I might be lumping too much into each chapter.  I'll find out once I start writing them I suppose.  I think I know what I want to write - I just need to work out the order.

I know thinking about and working out the structure is really important but I think I really need to start getting stuff onto the screen.  I keep saying it.  Now it's time to do it - and then do the jigsaw.


Oh no - hold on.  Where're my hankies?

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Getting Serious

It's now time to get on with some serious work.

I had a few days off over the weekend - and very nice it was too.  I had a very cultural few days. 

On Friday night we went to the Friends and Family night at the Glasgow School of Art Degree Show.  Ross' girlfriend is exhibiting her work.  It was a really, really good good show.  There were lots of very interesting, challenging and well presented stuff.  And a huge well done to Megan - she deserved her fantastic "First with Distinction" grade.  On Saturday we went to a Pay, Pie and a Pint to see the last play of the season.  It was Peter McDougall's The Brothers' Keeper.  It was good but a bit metaphorical with a lot of similies and alliterations.  In the afternoon went to see the Fine Art Degree Show at the Art School.  It was OK.  I have a pre-concieved idea of what I think fine art should be - and it isn't that.  There was some cracking stuff and some - well - other stuff.  In the evening we went to The Nimmo Brothers gig in Oran Mor.  What can I say?  They were just brilliant.  It was a great gig and a lovely, loud rockin' way to end a great day.  On Sunday I was knackered proving the point that old rockers never die - they just tire very easily.

But all good things must come to an end and the hard work needs to resume.

I'm not sure you can ever really have a day off from writing.  I might not be physically writing but I'm thinking about what I've written and what I'm about to write all the time.  I'm not joking.  I'm even dreaming about it now.  The other night I dreamed Sam gave me 23% for my Major Project.  When she saw I was really upset about the mark she tried to comfort me by saying, "Oh don't worry - I gave you six Well Done stickers."  What the ????. 

So if I want to avoid getting 23% I need to stop faffing around.  It's time to get words onto a page.

But before I can do that I need to work out some technical things.  Stuff like structure and tone and a chapter breakdown.  I've written 7,500 words so I think I've decided on the tone.  (I'm really hoping it's the right one.)  Yesterday I discected a creative non-fiction book to try and establish which narrative position the author took and when.  I did a page by page breakdown using coloured felt tip pens and everything.  It took a while but it was a really interesting exercise.  It showed me I can be chatty and informal and formal and historical on the same page.  And today I think I'm going to concentrate on the chapters.  Once I've done this I think I can start freeing all the stuff which is rattling around my head.

A few days ago I said I was aiming to have written 10,000 words for today.  I have failed.  Maybe I'll hit that mark for next Tuesday.  I'm very aware I'm running out of time.  I wanted to have 20,000 done before I go on holiday at the end of June.  You never know - maybe once I get the techy stuff done the word count will go up quickly.  I do hope so.

OK - time to get on with it.  If I don't I might not even get six Well Done stickers.

Friday 8 June 2012


I'm feeling a bit better today. 

Yesterday I was worried about sending my Supervision stuff to Sam.  But it's done now - there's no going back. 

I don't know if I'm going to get much done over the weekend - there is just too much going on.  In situations like this I think its better not to worry about it.  So, I'm going to put what I'm writing aside, catch up in doing other things and come back fresh in a day or so.  Hopefully by Sunday I'll be ready to get back in the saddle and get in about it.

Ok.  Right.  Other things? Where do I start?

Oh look - a huge pile of ironing.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Letting Go

I've not had a good day so far and it's only 9am.  This is not a good omen.

I have already written a blog post this morning.  It took me about 20 minutes but somehow I managed to delete it.  There was a pop up which said something about updating my computer and asked if I wanted to do it now or later.  I clicked the wrong button and everything went black. Now I need to try and remember what I wrote.  Here goes.

Today is the day I've been working towards for weeks.  It's the day I need to send stuff to my tutor ahead of my first Major Project Supervision Session next Thursday.  Usually I find releasing anything I've written into the big, wide world quite daunting, however this is terrifying.  It's not easy but I need to let it go.

Before I went to Napier I was so used to writing academic stuff for my Glasgow Uni degree.  All of a sudden I had to start writing in a more natural, creative way.  This is what I found difficult.  Everything I wrote was too formal.  I suppose the name of the course, an MA in Creative Writing, should have given me a heads up of what was required.

I knew I needed to relax but everytime I sat at a keyboard I stiffened up.

I've tried a different approach for my Major Project.  I've taken a bit of a chance.  I'm trying to get stuff out of my head and onto the screen.  Then I'm re-writing it as if I'm telling it to a friend.  I'm letting my imagination and the research I've done lead the way; I'm trying to write factual stuff with a creative twist.  I'm not sure if it's worked - I suppose I'll find out next Thursday.

I'm now up to 7,000 words but I can only send Sam 2,500.  My goal is to get up to 10,000 by Tuesday.  Then if I want to have it written before I go on holiday I need to write another 10,000 in just over a fortnight. 

I can do it.  I can do it.  I CAN do it.

I think.

Monday 4 June 2012

Slowing down

I'm quite worried.

I'm starting to slow down and it's all because I can't help self-editing as I write.

Every time I start writing I re-read it and decide it's rubbish so I re-write it.  I feel I'm in a bit of a vicious cycle.

This means I haven't moved on very far from my last blog entry - which is not a good thing.

My word count is just short of 6,000.  So, here's my SMART goal.  I will have written 6,500 words but the end of the day.  I know what I want to write about so I just need to do it. 

There.  I've said it.  It's out there and I can't take it back.

I need to send Sam my first instalment for my supervision session in a few days so I really need to get on with it.


(But, I'm still a bit worried.)

Wednesday 30 May 2012


Yesterday I spent another productive three hours in the Mitchell Library getting a lot of incidental stuff from the newspapers.  It's just as well that place doesn't charge admission.  It does charge for photocopies of newspaper articles though.  So far I'm up to twenty quid - but it's all good stuff.

I found out about another funeral which thousands of Glaswegians lined the streets for so I had to do a bit of research.  In 1960 there was a fire in a whisky bond in Cheapside Street, Glasgow and 19 firemen were killed in the line of duty.  Now that I know about these funerals I can use them as a comparrison to Liptons.  This is how things seem to be going at the moment.  I'm finding wee snippets of related information which is giving me more stuff, other than Lipton, to write about.  It's good and I'm enjoying it.  I just hope I'm doing the right thing.

I've decided to do a bit of a post mortem on a great creative non-fiction book, The Trouble with Tom by Paul Collins.  I'm going through it and noting everytime he switches narrative positions etc.  He's all over the place - 1st person present to 3rd person past in sometimes a few lines - but it makes it interesting to read.  I'm not going to copy his style but it's good to know it can be done.

Today I think I need to fill in a couple of blanks and then start reading again and sorting out all the information I've gathered.  I've got lots of books about Lipton and I've read most of them but it was a while ago.  I suffer from the same thing as Homer Simpson; when new stuff comes along it pushes all the old stuff out.  So, a few days swotting up will be a good thing.

And by then I'll probably have found something else to research.  Oh well - I suppose I'll just have to back to the Mitchell.

Monday 28 May 2012


Another day in my garden office - and I must say it's a pleasure to come into work.

Just a quick update at the moment.  My word count is now 4,390.  Even although I was working in the garden watching Dougal build a greenhouse while drinking chilled Pinot Grigio I still managed to write about 300 words.  Mind you - I still have to read it back so maybe I shouldn't brag too quickly.

I'm at the point where I've got the bones of the first chapter done.  But my problem is I keep thinking of wee bits of trivia I think might be interesting to a reader.  At the moment I've been into the Mitchell a couple of times and read the newspapers on the day before Lipton died, the day he died and the day of his funeral.  Now I think I should read the papers for the day before the funeral.  Then I would get a sense of what the crowds of people waiting outside the church during the funeral service might have been speaking about.  It would give me background stuff which someone interested inthe history of Glasgow would like to read about.  Is this a good idea - or am I just being self-indulgent.  If anyone has any advice on this point please leave a comment (a polite comment).  Oh ok - it doesn't need to be polite.)

Right - I must get on now - so much to do.   Oh look - a wee robin.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Reality kicks in.

Major Project became very, very real on Friday.

It always was real.  I mean, I always knew I had to do it but when you've got Sam and David standing in front of you detailing exactly what's expected and that the shiny and polished perfect piece of literature has to be delivered in 77 days it suddenly becomes something other than - something I need to do.  I now have a couple of months to get all the words and stuff out of my head, onto the page and into some sort of understandable order.

I know it sounds daunting but I'm determined to enjoy it.  Writing a book about Sir Thomas Lipton is I want to do - and now I've got the chance.  I need to make the most of it.

It was my last day at uni on Friday.  I still have four supervision sessions before the hand in date but it was my last time in the class.  Quite sad really.  It's been a tough couple of years but I've learned so much.  Now's the time to put it all into practice.

A lovely couple of hours was spent in the company of my classmates in the Traverse Bar to mark the occasion.  It's just as well I was driving.  Dougal might have had to send a search party to Edinburgh if I hadn't been.

But, how the hell am I supposed to write anything in this weather?  It's bloody gorgeous.  At the moment it's nearly five o'clock and it's 31.9 degrees in the shade.  That's what my digital thermometer tells me and I believe it.  Usually I work at a PC in my bedroom but I've been enticed out by people saying things like, "It'll not last forever, you know" and "They say it's going to rain tomorrow."  So, I've rigged my laptop up with an extension cable (because the battery's knacked) and I've been sitting outside writing all day.  Great idea - but now I find the damn thing's overheating in the sun.  I know the feeling.  I suppose I'll need to switch the poor wee thing off and let it cool off. 

What's the difference between humans and machines?  Humans can cool down with a large glass of Pinot Grigio - or five.  Cheers.

Wednesday 23 May 2012


I was going good for a while with the writing but now I seem to have ground to a halt.  It's not as if I don't have stuff to write about.  I think it might be a lack of confidence thing.

I blame research.  I've got so much information and questions about style etc whizzing around in my head and I'm confused about what to do with it.  Should I start writing in the first person or should I maintain 3rd person throughout?  I think the first person needs to make an appearance at one point - but at which point?

I'm going into uni tomorrow and I've got a chance to have a chat with the Reader in Residence, Stuart.  Stuart's also a great writer of Creative Non-Fiction so I'll try and get some hints and advice from him.

There's one thing I need to speak, and possibly apologise, about.  My dreadful punctuation and my inability to notice it when I read the bolg before publishing it.  I am sorry.

Ha ha.  I'm willing to bet that everyone will be backtracking to see what I mean (if you haven't already noticed).  If you are, it's school error stuff but have a giggle and I promise I'll try and be more careful in future.

And while everyone's laughing at how silly I am, my viewer numbers will be going up - result.

Ok - enough of all this nonsense.  I've got work to do.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Background stuff

Yesterday I spent four hours staring at very small 1930s newsprint on endless reels of microfiche.  I've been banging on to Dougal for a few days about how good it is to be able to look at all the old newspapers on microfilm but yesterday he reminded me I wasn't a spy and I've been looking at microfiche.  Film? Fiche?  It's all the same to me - it screws my eyes up. 

It wasn't an uninterupted four hours - I had to take time to top up my parking meter.  Maybe it was just as well.  My head was starting to feel a bit fuzzy and the fresh air did me good.

But I think all the peering was worth it.  I got a lot of background information like what the weather was like on the day Lipton died and on the day he was buried, what was on at the cinema and on the radio and what kind of events were in the headlines at the time.  And the adverts?  They are brilliant.  Did you know,

                               "if you value your health,
                                always insist on Gordon's Special
                                Dry London Gin. 
                                No artificial colouring matter,
                                No injurious ingredients."
                               And it's in the bottle with the square face.

Ha - I always knew it was good for you.

Today I've been wandering around Glasgow city centre having a look at the church his funeral service took place in.  so, I've got some stuff I can hopefully build a narrative from - so that I'm not just writing straight facts.

Oh - and the mystery I uncovered?  I got Inch High Private Eye (or was Hettie Wainthrope.  Maybe it was a mixture of both) onto the case but I think it's going to have to remain unsolved.  The relevant documentation to sort it out just doesn't exist.  I think a stonemason has made a spelling mistake and with a slip of a chisel has changed the sex of a child.  Oh well, it's not the end of the world, I can still use the information i've got - and everyone loves a mystery.  If you're desperate to find out more about this fascinating story you'll just have to wait until I get a publishing deal.  Or the next time you see me you can just ask - you know it doesn't take much to get me gibbering on about Lipton. 

Righ - I've got the information, now to get on with the hard part.

Sunday 20 May 2012


The fact I haven't written anything in the blog for a few days doesn't mean I'm not working you know.  Oh no - I'm always working; always thinking, always plotting in my head what I'm going to write and in what direction I'm going to go.  In fact I go to bed thinking about it and wake up thinking about it.  I'm knackered.  There are thousands of words all buzzing around my head and bashing into one another.  They are all vying for attention shouting "pick me, pick me." All I need to do is select the good ones, put them into an order, add some tone and I'm sorted.  Shit - I am so confused. 

(Pause for deep breaths and coffee.)

Right, back to some sort of normality. 

I've now written about 3,200 words.  I have to write 20,000 for my Major Project.  I've got about 4 chapters in my mind so that means each chapter should be around 5,000 words.  OK - another thousand or so and I'll have written Chapter 1.  Easy.  But please don't think I'm getting cocky about my writing.  Oh no - I'm just pleased I got that sum correct.  (I have- haven't I?)

Before I can carry on I need to do more research.  I think I've already mentioned my concerns about the amount of research I have to do.  I'm a bit worried I'll do to much (and too much of the wrong stuff) and run out of time to write the damn stuff up.  I'm also a bit anxious that what I've written so far isn't going to be read by my tutor, Sam, for about a month.  What if what I've written is total mince?  It doesn't leave me very long to sort it out.

I know I get distracted very easily by shiny objects but Sam told me something I'm beginning to hold dear.  She said if I find an interesting thread then I should run with it - get wrapped up in it and enjoy it.  In my mind that translates to permission to be adventurous and think big.  So, that's what I'm going to do.  The next couple of days will be taken up by visiting random places all over Glasgow, reading about random stuff and looking through very old newspapers. 

So, if you happen to see me walking around the streets in the next few days with a vacant look in my eye and muttering to myself just let me walk on my merry way - I'll be thinking - and therefore working - a positive thing. 

But if my look has turned to murderous please follow me and call for help.  This is a negative thing.  You can always try and entice me into a safer frame of mind with shiny objects. 

Oh - but not if they're sharp.

Wednesday 16 May 2012


I didn't get off to a very good start this morning.  I found myself thinking a lot but not managing to come up with anything very constructive.  I think it might have been about lunchtime before I put finger tip to keyboard - and even then I was mostly editing the stuff I wrote yesterday.  I probably ended up writing around 400 words before my brain ceased up.  I might have got the bones of the first chapter done though - all be it quite a short chapter.

I sent a few emails and received one back from Glasgow District Council about State Funerals - which I think might be quite good to include in the first chapter.  There now - I bet that's got you interested.  State funerals eh - exciting stuff.  The important thing is I've got a name I can contact in the Lord Provosts Office - the poor guy.  well, my motto is - if you don't ask you don't get.  Oh dear I bet he's going to really wish he'd never answered that fateful email.

I really do need to a lot more reading to bulk up my knowledge of a lot of stuff surrounding Lipton so that's what I'm going to do.  I'm knackered though. I just hope I don't fall asleep before my head hits the pilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Tuesday 15 May 2012


I had a good day today - I reached 2,230 words.  My only problem is I think it's just a word dump onto the page at the moment.  I've been trying to insert tone etc but I'm finding it a bit difficult because I'm working with newspaper reports which are factual.  I'm trying hard not to make it a history lesson and more of a story - but I'm sure Sam, my tutor, will say it's a bit like a history lesson.

I realised today I've got about four books which I've only read part of so the next few days might be spent reading and taking notes - and maybe a copuple of visits to the Mitchell.  It's more research so if I'm not back by Friday send out a search party.

This writing lark is a bit too much like hard work - I've not even had time to stare at the wall for a while.

Monday 14 May 2012


I got back into Major Project mode today.  And I did write some stuff - honestly.  Just some though.  It's research - it distracts me. 

I've been reading all about Lipton's family and I think I might have found something no one else has noticed.  It's not much and I know it seems unlikely but not a great deal of people have written about him. I've checked but keep coming up with the same thing.  My problem is - do I ignore what I've found and carry on or do I do a bit more investigating and maybe go in a direction which might turn out to be rubbish and I will have wasted time?  I think I need to do a wee but more investigating - a couple of emails just to be sure.  How good would it be if I made a historical discovery?

I'm hoping to be more focused tomorrow.  My aim is to reach 2,000 words at least.

By half six my head was mangled so I went out for a walk and I made another discovery - I walk to the same pace as The Archers theme tune.  Dum de dum de dum de dum.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Shiny things

Someone's asked me why I've called the blog Staring at the Wall. 

The answer's simple - it's because I like staring at the wall.  I'm good at it and, believe it or not, it's quite an inspirational past time.  I've had a lot of ideas while staring at a wall - mainly the kitchen one.  But what you need to also understand about me is that, apart from my fondness for staring at the wall, I'm also easily distracted by shiny things. 

And today's particular shiny thing was the last game of the season.  I listened to the coverage of the Motherwell v Dundee United match on the Radio Scotland internet thing.  And I did some cooking - chicken pasta and cream of mushroom soup. 

As a result I didn't get any Major Project stuff done.  But to try and redeem myself - I still did some writing.  There's a competition going on at the moment for the first 6,000 words of a crime novel featuring a female protagonist.  I think I might have a bash - so that's what I've been doing.  So far I've got 259 words. 

I'm going to carry on with this for the rest of the evening whilst trying to avoid shiny things. I'm sure an update will appear at some time or another.

Oh - and Motherwell got beat 2 nil.  But I don't think that'll bother them.  They've made it into the Champions League.

Back to Major Project tomorrow - honestly.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Decision made.

I've had a long think about what I should write in the blog.  At the moment I'm doing an MA in Creative Writing at Napier Uni which this leads me nicely into what the blog is going to be about.  My final assessment - the Major Project - is due to be handed in on August 10th so I thought it might be a good idea to keep a record of how things are going.

I'm focussing on Creative Non-Fiction rather than writing a novel.  Very briefly CNF is writing factual stuff in a creative way.  It's harder than it sounds.  I've decided to write my 20,000 word project about Sir Thomas Lipton and my attempts to have him commemorated in Glasgow.

I started it properly last Monday.  I spent the first two days in The Mitchell Library looking at newspapers from 1931.  It was brilliant.  So interesting; I was finding out about things and people I'd only heard about.  It was amazing to think I was reading what was actually reported in the papers of the time.  It was difficult to stay focussed on Lipton.  After two days I came away with a clutch of photocopies of articles which I'm hoping is going to help me create a story.  Over Wednesday and Thursday I managed to write nearly 1,500 words.  So, only 18,500 to go. 

For different reasons I've taken Friday and Saturday off.  Well, I say I've taken the time off but I'm constantly thinking about it.  And when I'm not thinking about it I'm talking about it.  So, if you see me around in the next few months be prepared to be Liptoned.

Friday 11 May 2012

Here we go.

I've actually gone and done it.  I've started a blog and I did it all on my own.  Those who know me know how much of a technophobe I am.  But I managed it.

So, what am I going to write about?  It's a bit late to start thinking about it tonight.  All will be revealed tomorrow.