Thursday 21 March 2013


Sometimes very random things happen to me.  Things that, when you got up in the morning, were the last thing you ever expected to happen?  I suppose it must be the same for everyone but it happened to me on Tuesday morning.

There I was, quite happily ironing away in the kitchen and listening to MacAulay and Co. on Radio Scotland and Fred was talking about chips. I never suspected for a second I would end up on the show speaking to him about them.  I couldn't believe it.  Not so much about my appearance on the Fred show.  No, I couldn't believe I was ironing, and happy!

Anyway, the item on the show was all about home-made chips.  The question Fred put out to the listeners was, "How do you make yours?"  I can't resist things like this so being fairly proud of my chip recipe and a bit bored (my ironing happiness was waning rapidly) I sent a text.  I can't claim total credit for the recipe - I found it in a slimming magazine about twelve years ago, but it's a good one and I've used it ever since.

I thought Fred might read it out in passing but no, I got a call from one of the producers saying my chips sounded lovely and would I like to go on air and chat to Fred about them.  Well...not being one to shy away from spreading recipes left right and centre, I agreed.  

I realise by now that anyone reading this must be shouting, "Anne, Anne, tell us your fantastic recipe for chips" and I could be extremely attention seeking and say, "You need to go to the MacAulay and Co website and listen again to Tuesday's show from about 1 minute 23 seconds onwards."  But I realise that's a very diva thing to say so here it is;

Anne's Chips

Potatoes - obviously.  I use any kind but if the skins are good don't peel it off.
Olive oil,
Mixed herbs,
salt and pepper.

Put the chips into a bowl and dab any excess moisture off with some kitchen towel.
Pour a glug of olive over - just enough to coat the tatties.
Sprinkle mixed herbs, salt and black pepper over them and mix thoroughly.
Shove them in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes until soft and golden.

And they're lovely on their own with a blob of reduced fat mayonnaise.

Another random thing happened on Tuesday.  I ended up in our loft looking for my daughter's ice skates.  Ooft.  What a mess.

Here's a suggestion for the producers of Fred's show.  Why not do an item on hoarders?

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