Monday 1 October 2012

It's been a while.

I knew this would happen.  I start a blog, let it slip and then feel rubbish.  But, I'm determined to keep it going this time.

I suppose the reason I don't want to let it slip is I like writing it.  The problem is - I just don't think my life is interesting enough to sustain a daily post.

Anyway- let me do a quick catch up.

I heard from David Stenhouse, the radio producer.  Alas, he doesn't think there is enough time to make a radio programme about the closure of the Caterpillar before the end of the year.  And The Scotsman are dragging their heels too much, so that's a no as well.  Oh well.  I tried.

I've still been writing.  I've entered a couple of competitions.

Typically. I left them to the last minute and had to write like a demon to make the deadlines.  But I made it.  Proof that I definitely need a deadline to make me get my arse into gear.

Let me say - I don't think I have a hope in hell in getting anywhere with these competitions but I know I definitely won't if I don't enter.  So, I've just gone for it.  You never know.

One of them was a Creative Non-fiction competition.  For my last assessment at uni I had to write a proposal for my Lipton book - so I felt I was almost there.  I just had to refine and polish what I'd already written and fire it in.  But, there was a bit more than that involved.  I hate when I re read something I've done for an assessment.  It always seems total rubbish.  However, I gritted my teeth and made myself read and amend it, but it took ages.

Part of the application form asked for my writing history.  Mmmm!  It's times like this I realise I might have written a lot of stuff - but I've done nothing with it.  Some friends on the MA course have been entering competitions for years and have built up an nice wee list of short listings and published stuff.  But me?  Not very much I'm afraid.  I need to start getting pro-active.

The prize for this competition is being mentored by Hi-Arts and Jenny Brown Associates with a view to having a non-fiction book published.  Sounds great eh?

The other competition is one being run between Oran Mor and Channel 4.  They are looking for a one act comedy play.

Now, this is a prize I would absolutely love to win.  The prize?  £5,000 and a weeks run in A Play, A Pie and a Pint in Oran Mor during the Glasgow International Comedy Festival.  I don't know about you but this impresses me.

I've been going to see plays in Oran Mor at lunchtime for years and feel that someone from either Channel 4 or PPP even reading my work is prize enough.

I decided to enter a play I started in 2008.  The idea was there and a lot of it was written but I didn't know how it should end.  This competition really focussed my mind and I did it - in less than a week.  The deadline is today and I was still writing it last night.

The first version I wrote was only running to over half an hour.  I needed to increase it to nearly 50 minutes.  By ten o'clock last night I was word blind.  I needed to stop.  So I did - with the intention of timing it today and sending it in.

But I woke up at 5am this morning in a bit of a sweat.  I was convinced I was going to miss the deadline.  Once the thought was in my head I wouldn't have been able to go back to sleep so I got up and worked on it.  I finally submitted it at 6.04am.

I don't think I'm going to win by any stretch of the imagination (the competition is open to all playwrights so there will be a huge amount of talent entering) but having done so much work on it I really didn't want to miss the deadline.  I got an email earlier.  It was in on time and has been accepted.  Phew.

I was going to go back to bed after I had submitted it but I felt okay.  So, as a result of getting up early I've done some ironing, hoovered, sorted out all my clothes and I've bagged a lot of stuff I don't wear any more ( for don't wear any more read can't get into any more) and washed the dishes.  Not a bad morning's work.  I really should get up early more often.

And talking about stuff I can't get into any more - we bought a nice, new exercise bike.  And the surprising thing is - we are all using it.  And the even more surprising thing is I'm quite enjoying using it.

Today is the start of a new month and usually, for me, the start of a new healthy eating and exercise regime.  I think I'm going to have to really mean it this time.  I need to lose at least three stones.  (I think I might have said this when I had two stones to lose - and one stone before that)  It's not funny any more.  And it's not a vanity thing - I think it's more a health thing now.

So if any of you see me eating or drinking anything which is not classed as health food you have my permission to nick whatever it is off me.  Don't worry - I won't be able to chase you.

There.  I feel better for having written this post.  Long may it continue.

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