Thursday 7 June 2012

Letting Go

I've not had a good day so far and it's only 9am.  This is not a good omen.

I have already written a blog post this morning.  It took me about 20 minutes but somehow I managed to delete it.  There was a pop up which said something about updating my computer and asked if I wanted to do it now or later.  I clicked the wrong button and everything went black. Now I need to try and remember what I wrote.  Here goes.

Today is the day I've been working towards for weeks.  It's the day I need to send stuff to my tutor ahead of my first Major Project Supervision Session next Thursday.  Usually I find releasing anything I've written into the big, wide world quite daunting, however this is terrifying.  It's not easy but I need to let it go.

Before I went to Napier I was so used to writing academic stuff for my Glasgow Uni degree.  All of a sudden I had to start writing in a more natural, creative way.  This is what I found difficult.  Everything I wrote was too formal.  I suppose the name of the course, an MA in Creative Writing, should have given me a heads up of what was required.

I knew I needed to relax but everytime I sat at a keyboard I stiffened up.

I've tried a different approach for my Major Project.  I've taken a bit of a chance.  I'm trying to get stuff out of my head and onto the screen.  Then I'm re-writing it as if I'm telling it to a friend.  I'm letting my imagination and the research I've done lead the way; I'm trying to write factual stuff with a creative twist.  I'm not sure if it's worked - I suppose I'll find out next Thursday.

I'm now up to 7,000 words but I can only send Sam 2,500.  My goal is to get up to 10,000 by Tuesday.  Then if I want to have it written before I go on holiday I need to write another 10,000 in just over a fortnight. 

I can do it.  I can do it.  I CAN do it.

I think.

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