Wednesday 23 May 2012


I was going good for a while with the writing but now I seem to have ground to a halt.  It's not as if I don't have stuff to write about.  I think it might be a lack of confidence thing.

I blame research.  I've got so much information and questions about style etc whizzing around in my head and I'm confused about what to do with it.  Should I start writing in the first person or should I maintain 3rd person throughout?  I think the first person needs to make an appearance at one point - but at which point?

I'm going into uni tomorrow and I've got a chance to have a chat with the Reader in Residence, Stuart.  Stuart's also a great writer of Creative Non-Fiction so I'll try and get some hints and advice from him.

There's one thing I need to speak, and possibly apologise, about.  My dreadful punctuation and my inability to notice it when I read the bolg before publishing it.  I am sorry.

Ha ha.  I'm willing to bet that everyone will be backtracking to see what I mean (if you haven't already noticed).  If you are, it's school error stuff but have a giggle and I promise I'll try and be more careful in future.

And while everyone's laughing at how silly I am, my viewer numbers will be going up - result.

Ok - enough of all this nonsense.  I've got work to do.

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