Sunday 20 May 2012


The fact I haven't written anything in the blog for a few days doesn't mean I'm not working you know.  Oh no - I'm always working; always thinking, always plotting in my head what I'm going to write and in what direction I'm going to go.  In fact I go to bed thinking about it and wake up thinking about it.  I'm knackered.  There are thousands of words all buzzing around my head and bashing into one another.  They are all vying for attention shouting "pick me, pick me." All I need to do is select the good ones, put them into an order, add some tone and I'm sorted.  Shit - I am so confused. 

(Pause for deep breaths and coffee.)

Right, back to some sort of normality. 

I've now written about 3,200 words.  I have to write 20,000 for my Major Project.  I've got about 4 chapters in my mind so that means each chapter should be around 5,000 words.  OK - another thousand or so and I'll have written Chapter 1.  Easy.  But please don't think I'm getting cocky about my writing.  Oh no - I'm just pleased I got that sum correct.  (I have- haven't I?)

Before I can carry on I need to do more research.  I think I've already mentioned my concerns about the amount of research I have to do.  I'm a bit worried I'll do to much (and too much of the wrong stuff) and run out of time to write the damn stuff up.  I'm also a bit anxious that what I've written so far isn't going to be read by my tutor, Sam, for about a month.  What if what I've written is total mince?  It doesn't leave me very long to sort it out.

I know I get distracted very easily by shiny objects but Sam told me something I'm beginning to hold dear.  She said if I find an interesting thread then I should run with it - get wrapped up in it and enjoy it.  In my mind that translates to permission to be adventurous and think big.  So, that's what I'm going to do.  The next couple of days will be taken up by visiting random places all over Glasgow, reading about random stuff and looking through very old newspapers. 

So, if you happen to see me walking around the streets in the next few days with a vacant look in my eye and muttering to myself just let me walk on my merry way - I'll be thinking - and therefore working - a positive thing. 

But if my look has turned to murderous please follow me and call for help.  This is a negative thing.  You can always try and entice me into a safer frame of mind with shiny objects. 

Oh - but not if they're sharp.

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